Okay, I've signed Judy's Stashbusting pledge for 2009! I did it and I don't regret it. In fact, to show how serious I am, check my previous post from Friday. All the fabric for the two mysteries I'm doing for New Years is pulled from my stash. No new purchases!
I am a fabricaholic. A new one maybe, but a fabricaholic just the same. I don't have a huge stash but let's just say it's starting to creep from under my bed to under any space that an underbed storage container will fit (chairs, cabinets, you know what I mean), and now it's creeping into the garage.
Why do I buy fabric? Well I have to say I rarely buy fabric at full price. There is just no fabric I love enough to pay $10 a yard for. I will pay that much if I find the perfect piece for a special purpose but that is rare. I do buy fabric:
- Because the price is so good, I can' afford not to.
- To match something that I can't match from my stash, but that is rare also.
- And, just because I need to feed my habit. (Most often)
The reasons I want to join this Stashbusting effort are:
- I have some fabric that I really don't know what to do with that I bought early on in my fabric buying. I want to use it up. It's just not really my style now that I've been quilting awhile.
- I want to make room for more fabric.
I know, I know, that last one goes against my pledge. But, you have to understand, when I first seriously got back into quilting a few years ago, I bought everything I liked or that caught my eye. Now my stash is filled with this fabric and not enough blenders, tone-on-tones, and range of colors so I really can shop my stash everytime I start a new project.
So my goal is to get rid of the stuff that just doesn't work for me any more. That will mean some serious planning to figure out a quilt (or quilts) that will use this stuff up. Here's just a little pic of what I'm talking about. This is my bin of crazy wild fabric that is desperately looking for a project.

Oh, and there is more, this is just a sample.
Well, I've done it. Publicly committed to using my stash and to finding a quilt home for these wild and crazy fabrics.